Healthcare associated infections

Bactiguard develops and provides infection preventionsolutions tha  reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections.

Healthcare associated infections are an acute, growing problem worldwide.

Bacterial growth a common cause of Healthcare Associated Infections

The urinary tract, the bloodstream and the respiratory tract are three of the most common areas where healthcare associated infections (HAI) arise. A common cause of HAI is bacterial growth on medical devices.

Read more about Catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), Catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI), Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP).

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Antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance could result in common infections, such as tonsillitis and otits, becoming difficult to treat in the future and in worst case, even be fatal. If the current development continues, by 2050, 10 million lives are at risk every year due to antibiotic resistance (AMR), according to WHO.

Read more about Antibiotic resistance

Source: WHO
Source: Global Sepsis Alliance


Sepsis, which used to be known as blood poisoning, arises when tissues and organs are damaged as a result of the body’s immune system overreacting to an infection, which quickly becomes life threatening. Every year nearly 49 million people develop sepsis, and one in five of them dies.

Read more about Sepsis

Infection prevention more important than ever

Fewer infections lead to reduced use of antibiotics and better health for patients. Products with Bactiguard’s technology effectively prevent the risk of healthcare associated infections.

Our products prevent infections

Bactiguard develops and supplies infection prevention solutions that lower the risk of healthcare associated infections, increase patient safety and reduce the use of antibiotics.

Read more about our products