Bactiguard Academy

Bactiguard Academy is a collaboration with, among others, the Karolinska University Hospital, clinicians and other experts within the field. Together, we have produced educational material for you who work in healthcare and want to immerse yourself in infection prevention.

  • How to prevent healthcare associated infections
  • Catheter care
  • Catheter treatment

If you want us to arrange a local training event at your workplace, or just want to know more, you can contact us here


Which catheter to choose

Latex and silicone are the most used catheter materials. The most important thing is to choose the right material for each individual patient.

Catheter treatment types

Indwelling catheter can be used in two different ways, either through urethra or by suprapubic catheterization. Alternatively intermittent catheterization can be performed.

How to catheterize?

It is imperative that the health care professional has a good understanding of aseptic catheterization procedure  principles as this will help to reduce the risk of UTI.


Patients treated with a urinary catheter can move through different healthcare facilities, during the treatment period. The catheter treatment must therefore be carefully documented in the medical record.

Patient care (catheter care)

It is important to inform the patient and relatives about simple tips that can prevent complications; for example about hygiene and fluid intake.

Common complications

The risk for invasion of microbes and subsequent infections increases with every day of infection.

Global Challenge of Hospital Acquired Infection and Anti Microbial Resistance

Dr Stefan Grass Chief Medical Officer, Bactiguard.