Clinical evidence

Bactiguard’s products have a substantial impact on the lives and health of human beings, therefore we conduct clinical studies on an ongoing basis in both Sweden and abroad in cooperation with physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Clinical studies increase our knowledge

We perform extensive clinical studies to verify the effect of our technology. The aim of these clinical studies is to generate more data about our products. We particularly want to see how effective our products are in preventing infections, but we also study safety, user-friendliness and patient satisfaction. All our studies are designed according to international and local laws, regulations and ethical principles. They are reviewed and approved by ethical committees and relevant authorities.

  • We have so far performed more than 40 clinical studies with 100,000 patients
  • 200 million catheters with our coating have been used for 25 years
  • No adverse events related to the coating have been reported

Welcome to contact us and our clinical department if you want to know about our clinical data!